We Stand At Armageddon

Avengers #67

Writer: Roy Thomas
Penciller: Barry Windsor-Smith
Inker: George Klein
Letterer: Art Simek

Featured Issue: Avengers #67

Plot Summary

Outside Avengers Mansion, onlookers are horrified to see a series of explosions emanating from the building. Inside, things are not much better as the Avengers are facing off against the rebuilt Ultron-6. The situation only gets worse when Thor attempts to strike Ultron with Mjolnir. When the enchanted hammer comes in contact with Ultron’s new adamantium body, the Avengers are thrown back by the shockwave, knocking out Thor and Goliath. Meanwhile, Vision is elsewhere in the mansion attempting to come to grips with the betrayal he has just committed against his teammates.

With their powerhouses disabled, Iron Man, Wasp and Yellowjacket desperately attempt to hold off Ultron’s attacks. In spite of their desperation and with Iron Man’s weakened state the trio are make so much as a dent and Ultron departs the mansion to further his own plans. Thankfully for Yellowjacket, Goliath regains consciousness in time to catch him as he falls off the departing Ultron. In all of this confusion Vision is able to quietly exit the mansion, hoping to beat Ultron to his destination.

Regrouping after barely surviving the assault, the Avengers decide to begin their hunt for Ultron at his former secret headquarters, unaware that Vision has already arrived in that exact location.  As the genocidal android examines his equipment, Vision, the Avengers and even a S.H.I.E.L.D. team converge on him. Vision is the first to encounter him, and while the Avenger initially makes some headway against his former master, Ultron unveils his latest ability. Transforming himself into pure ionic force, Ultron disables Vision and continues on with his mission. As Vision is forced to confront the S.H.I.E.L.D. team, the Avengers make their way through the headquarters. Unfortunately their progress is cut short as equipment within the structure starts to convert into energy. Much to their horror, Yellowjacket declares that Ultron is only a single switch away from wiping the entire city off the face of the earth.


Black Panther
Iron Man




Avengers #66

Writer: Roy Thomas
Penciller: Barry Windsor-Smith
Inker: Syd Shores
Letterer: Art Simek

Featured Issue: Avengers #66

Plot Summary

At the request of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers participate in the evaluation of a new metal alloy, adamantium. As the metal shrugs off the best efforts of Thor, Iron Man and Goliath, Iron Man can’t help but wonder what might happen if this substance were to fall in to the wrong hands. As his teammates marvel at the properties of this amazing new metal, Vision begins to feel powerful stabbing pains, eventually pushing him to leave unexpectedly. After leaving the Helicarrier, Vision makes his way to the grave of Simon Williams, Wonder Man, whom Vision’s personality was based on. As he looks on this grave, Vision has a sudden urge to complete some unknown task and he flies off.

Back at Avengers Mansion, Yellowjacket and Wasp wonder what happened to Vision and how much they really know about their newest teammate. Iron Man, with the help of Thor and Goliath is taking some time to participate in a training session. When the session heats up, Goliath becomes concerned, but those concerns are allayed by Thor explaining that the computer is incapable of truly harming Iron Man.

Meanwhile, Vision returns to the helicarrier in order to steal the adamantium as part of his unknown project. Although he does not wish to harm anyone, Vision is forced to incapacitate a guard in order to achieve his goal. The guard is left a shell of a man and Vision continues on his way.

As Iron Man’s training session wraps up, leaving him barely able to stand, Yellowjacket calls the Avengers to a meeting. Having received the report that Vision was responsible for stealing the adamantium, the heroes begin to formulate a plan when they hear Wasp scream from upstairs. Finding Wasp stunned and on the floor, the Avengers quickly discover Vision just around the corner. When the Avengers attack Vision for his obvious assault on Wasp, he merely evades them, never choosing to engage. As the mansion begins to rumble, it is clear that Vision has just been buying time for an even greater threat, the newly rebuilt Ultron.


Black Panther
Iron Man

